Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The big topic Abortion whether or not it should be legal or illegal.

Conservatives - They believe that Abortion is wrong and there are other options to deal with such as adoption. The conservatives however feel that it should not be illegal just because then people will find other ways to go for adoption which can harm their own bodies. They think that it should be legal up to this point however there are smarter choices. The conservatives argue the point that a baby is a human life and it has a beating heart along with fingernails, etc. They argue the fact that the people are not giving a new life a chance to enter the real world. They also tie in religion saying that it is against abortion.

Liberal - They believe that Abortion is pro choice and everyone has their own right to do whatever they feel like. They argue the fact that many teenagers who are still in highschool that are getting pregnant basically isnt ready with the responsibilities of taking care of a baby. Therefore, abortion should be allowed so that they can move on and live a better life. The Liberals dont believe in government controlling the decisions of people making abortion and they feel like it should be legal.

In my opinion although the Liberals are winning today because all 50 states allow abortion to happen, i am going to say that my views along with this topic is very conservative. I think that abortion is a wrong decision and people make decisions whether or not to have sex and if one didnt wear a condom it was their lack of responsibility which got them pregnant. I feel that abortion is the easy way out and like the movie Juno, there are more PRO choices one can make such as adoption.

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