Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Conservatives - The conservatives believe that immigration should be illegal and they should not enter the united states. They argue the point that illegal immigrants come into the US and take peoples jobs and get benefits where as citizens in America does not have. Also, the conservatives feel that illegal immigrants smuggle drugs into America or bring diseases where it can be a harm to the American people. They want to enforce tighter security and possibly create a wall.

Liberals - The Liberals believe that immigration should be also illegal yet they should ease up on the border patrol. They argue the fact that everyone regarding race or religion should have the same equal opportunity to come into American and live the american dream. American is a country in which it consists alot of minorities and immigrants, they feel that people should get a chance.

In my opinion i believe in the Liberal side because i personally feel that everyone should receive a chance to make a good living. Not only that, not every illegal immigrant comes to the US to create trouble, or smuggle drugs but to make money for families back at home. Also, many countries are still corrupt in government and there are many wars going on between the drug lords and the government and the citizens being in between get in the way. Although crossing the border is illegal, America is a country of freedom and i think people should receive a 2nd chance.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

School Prayer

Conservatives - The conservatives believe that kids should be able to pray in school without having to worry about getting mocked by others. They argue the point that America was based on Christian values and although today the country is made up with all types of religions, they feel that it should still be what it was in the past. Whether someone believes in God or not, every person should have a right to pray for what they believe.

Liberals - The liberals believe that school prayer should not be allowed in schools and it should stay out of it. They argue that kids will get insulted or mocked for what they believe in and praying. The liberals feel that education is more important than religion and in school teachings it should be taught not through religious ways.

It is clear that the Liberals are winning because in most high schools school prayer is not allowed. However, movies such as Remember the Titans and Friday Night Lights show that school prayer isn't actually a bad idea and people still value it. For example before football games teams usually pray to God for a good game and hopefully no one gets injured. It is hard to say that the kids on the team are all Christian but some actually pray because they are Christians and some actually pray along with the team so it unifies them together as one rather then being singled out. Although I am a Christian myself, i think that school prayer should stay out of schools. Praying in school is not necessary because one can pray at home or somewhere else unless he/she follows a different path and religion.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Gay Marriage

Conservative - The conservatives believe that gay marriage should be illegal and people should not marry the same sex. They argue the point that the country is based on religion mostly Christianity and through the bible, gay marriage is unacceptable. Also, the conservatives brings up the point because the same sex cannot have a baby, adopting a baby having 2 mothers or fathers is only putting the baby into a struggle not having 1 mom and 1 dad like any other original family.

Liberal - The liberals believe that gay marriage should be legal and people can make their own decision as far as marriage. They feel that although its the same sex, people can still share the same love as anyone else and start a family that is normal.

My opinion as far as gay marriage i go with the conservative side. Not only because they are winning currently today, but because i follow through the religion guidelines. Being a christian, i feel that homosexuality is absolutely wrong. Although there is no evidence that being gay is a choice one makes or born with, i feel that it is a choice because there are people who are born from a completely normal family having a mother and father but ends up being gay. I feel that its a choice and how you are raised.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The big topic Abortion whether or not it should be legal or illegal.

Conservatives - They believe that Abortion is wrong and there are other options to deal with such as adoption. The conservatives however feel that it should not be illegal just because then people will find other ways to go for adoption which can harm their own bodies. They think that it should be legal up to this point however there are smarter choices. The conservatives argue the point that a baby is a human life and it has a beating heart along with fingernails, etc. They argue the fact that the people are not giving a new life a chance to enter the real world. They also tie in religion saying that it is against abortion.

Liberal - They believe that Abortion is pro choice and everyone has their own right to do whatever they feel like. They argue the fact that many teenagers who are still in highschool that are getting pregnant basically isnt ready with the responsibilities of taking care of a baby. Therefore, abortion should be allowed so that they can move on and live a better life. The Liberals dont believe in government controlling the decisions of people making abortion and they feel like it should be legal.

In my opinion although the Liberals are winning today because all 50 states allow abortion to happen, i am going to say that my views along with this topic is very conservative. I think that abortion is a wrong decision and people make decisions whether or not to have sex and if one didnt wear a condom it was their lack of responsibility which got them pregnant. I feel that abortion is the easy way out and like the movie Juno, there are more PRO choices one can make such as adoption.

Blog #5

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."

I dont find that surprising at all just because it is completely true. Another example could be clients with therapists. They personally dont want to become friends with you but they have to pretend or adapt therefore they can help cure what the person is going through. Same thing goes along with product representatives, they provide information and almost relate to the person so that he/she can buy their specific product. However thats how the whole market business works today. Nobody is going to be honest and say the truth about how bad the product is when you are trying to actually sell the thing. Although it is a shame, its something we have to deal with everyday and our society runs that way.

Blog #4

The song i chose is called The Way I am by eminem. The song is mainly about him speaking his honest opinion on the media. The frustration he has to deal with everyday he was able to put it onto paper. Everytime i listen to this particular song it gets me pumped up when i am working out. Looking back to the actual lyrics now i still think the song is absolutely awesome. Eminem was able to put his feelings into the song to the point where it is about to explode. I think that most rappers today would find that very difficult to do.


Blog #3

For the CD project I chose the artist Eminem. I think Eminem does represent the the values of my music generation just because I enjoy listening to rap/hip hop. Although i am very open to all types of genre music, I mainly focus on rap. Many others think that rap is a bunch of garbage and it has no meaning however going back to the roots of when hip hop was first formed, there is a meaning behind every songs. Eminem particularly raps about the struggle in his life that involves his parents, family, and the media. However, rap today is no where close to being the same as rap in the 80's or 90's. The beat and the topic being covered is all different. I can easily say that the Rap generation has involved.

Blog #2

Discrimination is a topic where it is still happening today. Everyday all types of races are getting discriminated for the way they look, dress, act, and much more. In comparing to the rock N roll era, Elvis adopted his music and they way he sings from the roots of African American singers. Although they did not get credited, it shows how Elvis got his fame. Although we don't see discrimination or racism often, it is something that will never stop. People are going to hate each other for what ever the reason. I personally think racism and discrimination should end because everyone should be treated equally.